JFHS Clinic
The nurses at JFHS assist students in academic success by providing medical treatment that may be needed during the school day. If your child/children have a medical condition or allergy, please notify the clinic staff and have proper documentation so that we can provide the best possible care to your child/children.
- All forms expire each school year and need to be resubmitted at the beginning of each new school year.
Students should not carry medication. Inhalers, Epi-pens, and diabetic supplies may be carried if the proper Bedford County Public School (BCPS) form is on file in the clinic.
- If a daily prescription medication needs to be administered by the clinic staff, a BCPS medication form needs to be filled out and signed by the physician and parent. Medication needs to be brought to the clinic by the parent in a prescription bottle, labeled by the pharmacy. Please call the JFHS clinic to make an appointment if medications need to be brought to the clinic.
- If a student requires over the counter medication to be kept in the clinic, a BCPS form can be filled out and signed by the parent and the parent can supply the clinic with a small bottle that is not expired.
- The JFHS clinic staff can administer acetaminophen and antihistamine if needed with written permission on file. Students may carry cough drops with them but should not share with other students. If antihistamine is administered by the clinic staff for an allergic reaction, your child/children must be picked up and will not be allowed to drive.
- Emergency cards must be filled out by parents and on file in the clinic in order for students to participate in field trips. Similar information is required for Infosnap and CareDox but the clinic must have paper documentation in case of technology interruptions.
- Hearing and vision screenings are completed on all 10th grade students and new transfer students. Parents are notified if there are any concerns. If you do not want your child/ children screened please notify the school nurse by the first week of school.
- Students will be sent home if they have a temperature greater than 100 degrees. Please make prompt arrangements to pick your child/ children up from school if they become ill. Students need to be fever free for 24 hours (without the use of fever reducing medications) before returning to school.
- Please keep the clinic staff updated with any medical concerns or changes in contact information. In case of an emergency, the school staff needs to be able to contact parents.