Transcripts/College Application

Senior College Application Information

College applications/Transcript Requests/ letter of recommendation requests require a 2 week notice.  Please check your deadlines carefully.

CURRENT STUDENTS: To request a transcript please print and fill out the Student Record Request form and give to your School Counselor.  Forms can also be picked up in the Counseling office. A parent signature is required for students under the age of 18.

You may also use Parchment to Request Transcripts: 

 Parchment Link
Jefferson Forest High School has partnered with Parchment to provide secure online transcript ordering available 24/7. Creating an account is free and only takes a few steps. Click HERE to get started!  IF YOU CHOOSE TO USE PARCHMENT, YOU MUST ALSO PROVIDE THE Student Record Request FORM TO THE COUNSELING OFFICE.

FORMER STUDENTS: Should go to to request their transcripts.

Steps to order your transcript:

1. Go to

2. Click on the "Order" tab and select an option from the drop down menu.

3. In the "Order from" box - Type Jefferson Forest High School and select it.

4. You then select "Existing User Account" and login, a "New Learner Account" and setup an account, OR a "New Third Party Account" and setup an account.

5. Enter information to verify the records you are requesting.

6. Choose where you want the records to be sent and if you want them mailed or uploaded.

7. Pay

Senior Planning Calendar

Apply to College

College Essay

Students and their families are encouraged to use a variety of information sources to select a college and major.  The State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SHEV) provides one source  http//