Acute Concussion Short Term Care Plan
(click the link above)


Concussion Protocol

  • If there is concern for a student having a concussion, the school nurse or the Athletic Trainer (AT) can assess the student to determine if a further evaluation by a physician is necessary.
  • If the student is an athlete and the AT advises for a physician evaluation, the student must be evaluated and cleared by a physician before returning to sports.
  • Depending on the impact sustained and severity of symptoms concussions can last for days, weeks and even months before a student is cleared by a physician.

 If a student has the diagnosis of a concussion a BCPS Acute Concussion Short Term Care Plan and a Release of Confidential Information form must be submitted to the JFHS clinic. ****A follow-up date must be included at the bottom of the form for it to be valid. If no further documentation is provided to the clinic beyond the follow-up date then the accommodations expire.

  • A new BCPS Acute Concussion Short Term Care Plan must be filled out and signed by the physician each follow-up visit and returned to the clinic.
  • The JFHS school nurse will submit the proper paperwork to the student’s guidance counselor in order to notify teachers. This is how the proper academic accommodations are enacted.
  • Students must communicate with their teachers if they are limited to one test a day. Teachers are not able to determine this and the student needs to plan accordingly.
  • Teachers provide the clinic with feedback every week to determine if a student is progressing or regressing in the classroom.
  • A student must be released from academic accommodations and be “return to learn” before they can be cleared to return to PE or sports.
  • If a student has academic accommodations they should refrain from all sports and active play (including recreational sports) until cleared by a physician.
  • If at any time you are concerned about prolonged symptoms or your child is struggling with the academic accommodations please notify the school nurse.
  • If the student is an athlete and no longer has symptoms, the AT will complete an Exertion Protocol test over a minimum of two days. Once the Exertion Protocol is passed, the athlete will take a Post-Injury ImPACT test. If neurocognitive levels are within range of baseline, the athlete can return to play once cleared by the physician.

Feel free to contact the JFHS school nurse with any questions.