Curriculum Information for Registration
What are AP Classes?
Advanced Placement (AP) is a national program run by CollegeBoard. AP are college-level courses requiring more reading and writing; therefore, more rigor. An exam for each AP course is given in May, passing the exam may earn the student college credit (this is determined by the college the student attends). There is a fee for the exams.
What are Honors Classes?
Honors classes are meant to prepare students for the rigor of AP courses. Like AP they will move at a faster pace, require more reading, writing, and homework.
What is the difference between the Standard Diploma and the Advanced Diploma?
More credits (26 total) and foreign language (either three years of one language or two years of two different languages) are required for the Advanced Diploma. The Standard Diploma requires 22 total credits and has no foreign language requirements.
Does my child have to get the Advanced Diploma to get into college?
Not necessarily, but by taking the Advanced Diploma your child will meet the minimum requirements for many colleges. All colleges have their own requirements which can be found on their individual websites.
Does my child have to take Advanced, Honors, or AP classes to earn an Advanced Diploma?
No, students can earn the Advanced Diploma without taking any advanced courses.
What does Dual Enrollment mean?
Students earn both high school credit and college credit. Two college credits are required to earn one high school credit (ex: English 111 and English 112 at CVCC can be combined to make an English credit for high school).
What is the process to take Dual Enrolled classes?
Each student should obtain paperwork from Mrs. Sawyer (our Career Coach) and meet all deadlines. There are fees for Dual Enrolled courses.