Check the JF website. There is a lot of information available on our webpage (counseling Dept., teacher webpages, daily announcements, senior information, etc.)
Virginia Department of Education:
Postsecondary Opportunities for High School Seniors
Use the Junior/Senior Planning Calendar. Great for helping you stay on track:
College Planning - 11th Grade
Family Action Plan - 12th Grade
Use internet for college searches and planning- is a good one
Follow our College Application Process. You must complete a Transcript Release Form for each transcript you want to send. Turn these forms into your counselor and you should give your counselor a 2 weeks' notice to complete your application.
Take advantage of the College and or Military visits at JF. Many colleges and each branch of the military visit JF to meet with students throughout the year. This year, all visits will be virtual and will be listed on the JF website or go to the junior or senior Canvas page under "College Visits".
Sign up with the NCAA Eligibility Center. IF you are an athlete that would like to play at the Division I or II level you must register with the NCAA Eligibility Center. Enlist the help of your coach.
Take a Career Inventory. Mrs. Sawyer, our Career Coach will meet with all 10th and 12th grade English classes, they will complete a Career Inventory using the Virginia Wizard. Once you create an account on the Wizard you may continue to use the site to access resume assistance, etc.
Start looking for scholarships now. All scholarship information we receive will be posted on our webpage. Seniors will also get this information through Google Classroom. The Code to join the Counseling Classroom is fqzm5wb. Also check with employers for possible scholarships and go online to FastWeb or CollegeBoard to check for national scholarship.
Juniors should take the PSAT. Even if you took this as a sophomore you should take it again. Scores from the junior year are the only ones used for the NMSQT Scholarship search Program. It is also good practice before taking your first SAT later in the year.
Sign up for business /industry field trip. Mrs. Sawyer organizes virtual fieldtrips each year. Signups will be announced.